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4 Spring Science Activities!

Writer's picture: Barb JohnsonBarb Johnson

Spring is here! Keeping STEAM in mind, here are four spring science activities:

Egg Crate Mini Garden: After having spent a long hibernation in the house, there is no better way to wake up the senses than gardening.

Supplies needed: Markers, popsicle sticks, empty egg crates, seeds (either from package or from fruits at home), soil, water,sunshine.

Conduct an experiment to see which seeds sprout first. Add soil and seeds to each egg crate. Track your progress! Can you bring them from seed to flower? How many days do each take to germinate?

Extend your growing experiment by classifying and organizing your seeds. Create fun and colorful plant labels to know what you are growing. We used construction paper and markers!

Try a diverse group of plants - like flowers, vegetables and herbs. If you have a green thumb, transplant them outside once the threat of frost passes.


Build a birdfeeder: Most kids love to build things with their hands. Birdfeeders can be as easy or as complicated as you like; they can be made from anything from popsicle sticks to kits.

Supplies needed: birdseed, plates, trays, empty bottles, string - use your imagination!

Make a bird feeder so you can closely observe birds feeding in your own backyard. Watching birds helps you learn about their behavior and habits. Birds are very specialized and eat only certain foods, so you will attract only certain birds with your feeder.


Blow Giant Bubbles: Giant bubble blowing was always a major boredom buster in my house. Not only would it occupy my own kids, but giant bubbles always attract friends and neighbors who want to get in on the sudsy action.

Supplies needed: a large bucket or even a kiddie pool, glycerin (from your local pharmacy), Dawn dish detergent and an assortment of materials to make bubble wands. Try strings tied together, small hoops, pipe cleaners, whatever works!

For each gallon of water add 2/3 cup of Dawn Liquid Soap and 3 tablespoons of glycerin. For best results, let the solution sit overnight before blowing humongous bubbles!

Observe how you can make the biggest shapes by creating your own wands!


Craft a Nature Collage: Take a nature walk! Whether you are walking in the woods or the beach or just around the neighborhood, let your child select flowers and leaves, rocks, twigs or other natural items that appeal to them.

Supplies needed: Glue, cardboard, markers, other craft supplies.

Scientists know that classification is a useful skill. Practice classifying your own nature collection and make a display. A collage is a collection of items displayed together usually in an artistic way. Many scientists have collections to study what they’ve examined - as it makes a nice way to look at samples or items again. Think of a museum. It is full of collections since collecting and classifying are important science skills.


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